Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Over the weekend >>Barcelona and beyond

¿Que tal vuestro fin de semana? Yo no he parado, fui a coger setas al bosque, cogimos bastantes y las preparamos a la plancha, ¡buenísimas! Fui de compras y he encontrado unos guantes de cuero preciosos, salí a bailar al Apolo hasta las cuatro de la mañana, bajé a la playa a dar una vuelta, estaba el mar precioso con tanto viento. También fui a una jam session de rock y soul en el Jazzsi club, ¡que bien sientan los puentes!
Estoy preparando unas fotos de outfits de este fin de semana, espero acabarlas hoy. De momento quería compartir estas fotos de mi día buscando setas en el bosque. 
¡Hasta luego!

So, how were your weekends?Mine was packed with activities, I went to pick mushrooms in the forest and enjoyed eating them later (we picked quite a few!), I went shopping and scored some amazing leather gloves, I danced until 4 a.m. at Apolo (great club in Barcelona), went for a walk to the beach, the wind was blowing hard and there were big waves, it was so beautiful! I also met up with friends and went to a rock and soul jam session at Jazzsi club, oh my! I love 4 day weekends! 
I also had time to take two outfit pictures, I´m getting these ready to post, but I just wanted to share these pictures of my day out in the forest!
¡Be back later!

Shirt and jeans: Pull&Bear (old)

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